
Is Your ABN Up to Date?

Is Your ABN Up to Date?

Owning an Australian Business Number (ABN) comes with responsibilities, and one crucial duty is keeping your details current. But with changing addresses, contacts, and business activities, it’s easy to forget this essential update. So, when was the last time you checked your ABN details?

Neglecting this update can lead to penalties and missed opportunities. This blog equips you with the knowledge and tools to confidently manage your ABN details, ensuring your business operates smoothly and compliantly.

Understanding the Importance of Updating Your ABN

Your ABN isn’t just a random series of digits; it’s a vital link between your business and the government. Keeping your details accurate ensures smooth operations and opens doors to valuable opportunities:

  1. Emergency Response: Imagine a fire or natural disaster striking your business location. Updated address information ensures emergency services reach the right place quickly, minimising damage and maximising safety.
  2. Government Assistance: From grants and subsidies to tax benefits, the government offers numerous programs to support businesses. But to be eligible, your ABN details need to be accurate and reflect your current activities.
  3. Targeted Communication: The government uses your ABN to send essential updates, alerts, and information relevant to your industry and location. Missing out on these communications could mean crucial missed opportunities or even penalties.
  4. Business Transparency and Trust: An accurate ABN reflects your business’s current status and activities, fostering trust and transparency with customers, partners, and potential collaborators.

5. Avoiding Penalties and Legal Issues: Failing to update your ABN within 28 days of any changes can lead to hefty fines, impacting your bottom line and potentially even legal trouble.

Updating Your ABN Made Easy

Gone are the days of confusing forms and outdated methods. The Australian Business Register (ABR) now offers a user-friendly online portal called the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to streamline your ABN updates.

The Role of Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is your key to online ABN management. With a myGovID, you can:

  • Instant Updates: Make changes to your details in real time, eliminating delays and ensuring immediate accuracy.
  • Secure Access: MyGovID, a secure government-backed digital identity, safeguards your information and grants access to authorised users only.
  • Granular Control: As the Principal Authority, you can authorise others to manage specific aspects of your ABN, delegating tasks efficiently.

What Can You Update with the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)?

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) empowers you to manage a wide range of information:



Basic Information

Addresses (postal & physical), email, business structure

Business Activities

Industry code, main activities

Contact Details

Phone number, website


Grant access to others to manage your ABN

Alternative Update Options

While Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is the most convenient option, alternative methods exist:

  • Contact the ABR: Call the ABR hotline for personalised assistance with updating your details.
  • Mail a Form: Order and complete the ABN Update form for manual updates. Remember, processing times may be longer compared to online methods.

Who Can Update Your ABN?

The Principal Authority of your business, such as a sole trader, company director, or eligible individual associate, holds the initial responsibility to link your ABN to RAM and initiate updates. They can then grant various access levels to authorised individuals, who also need a myGovID for access.

Consequences Of Not Updating Your ABN

Ignoring ABN updates can have significant repercussions such as:

  • Fines: Failure to update within the 28-day timeframe can result in fines ranging from $220 to $4,400, depending on the severity and frequency of non-compliance.
  • Missed Opportunities: Outdated information can lead you to miss out on valuable government grants, programs, and communication channels relevant to your business.
  • Operational Disruptions: Inaccurate details can cause delays in receiving essential government documents or experiencing difficulties during interactions with government agencies.

Remember: Updating your ABN details is not just a legal obligation; it’s a proactive step towards ensuring your business runs smoothly, taps into valuable resources, and avoids unnecessary penalties.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Update Your ABN?

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how you can update your ABN:

  1. Gather Information: Prepare all necessary details you need to update, including addresses, contact information, and any changes to business activities.
  2. Obtain a MyGovID: If you haven’t already, register for a myGovID, the secure digital identity key to accessing government services online.
  3. Link Your Business to RAM: As the Principal Authority, call the ATO to initiate the linking process for your business. Be ready with your Tax File Number (TFN) for verification.
  4. Update Your Details: Once linked, log in to RAM using your myGovID and navigate to the “Update ABN record” section. Select the specific details you need to change and follow the prompts. Remember, some information like legal names might require contacting the ATO directly.
  5. Verify and Submit: Carefully review all changes before submitting the final update. RAM updates take effect instantly, ensuring immediate accuracy.

Pro Tips For Smooth Updates

We are also providing some pro tips which can help you update your ABN. Let’s have a look at them:

  • Mark Your Calendar: Set reminders 28 days in advance of any significant changes to trigger an update.
  • Keep Records Handy: Maintain copies of documents supporting your updates, such as new leases or business licences.
  • Delegate Wisely: Grant RAM access only to trusted individuals and assign appropriate access levels based on their responsibilities.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check the ABR website for any updates or changes to the RAM portal or update procedures.


Keeping your ABN details up-to-date is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s a strategic move for your business success. By using the user-friendly RAM portal and understanding the importance of timely updates, you can avoid penalties, and open new opportunities to ensure your business thrives in a compliant and informed manner. 

And if you’re facing any difficulties in updating your ABN or if you require any taxation-related help, you can reach out to KPG Taxation. Their team of experts will help you every step of the way so that you can have peace of mind!

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